Advancement Project

Advancement Project's Blog Posts

H.R. 1- For the People Act – A Primer

Today, the House of Representative passed H.R. 1, the For the People Act, a piece of legislation that if signed into law, could radically transform

Five Years After Shelby

Five years after Shelby v. Holder ruling, we are resolved and committed to fight for the right to vote.

Race and Redistricting After Gill

While racial gerrymandering claims are legally distinct and separate from partisan gerrymandering claims, the tactics at issue in all of these cases produce the same practical effect: diminishing the political power of our communities.

Dolfinette Martin: a Leader of the Here and Now

The visibility of Black women and their political power has recently made it into the mainstream discourse as if it were a new phenomenon. It’s

Big News in Florida. Congrats, FRRC!

You may have heard the news. Our friends and partners at Florida Rights Restoration Coalition (FRRC) got one step closer to getting rights restored for people with past felony convictions!

The Grassroots Fight for the Right to Vote

The attack on the right to vote is as vigorous as it has been in generations – at stake is our very voice, and indeed, our dignity.